September 16, 2011

Painting day 4: balancing act

There are subtle differences in these versions of the painting. I am in the midst of 
balancing colors and shapes to achieve something in the painting I have yet to see.  
I will know what that "something" is when I see it...

The colors on the top and bottom are too separate...

Adding red into the dark value horizontal shape is just not quite right...

Experimenting with lessening the yellow horizontal and toning down the red/brown area in the middle...

Bringing back the yellow a bit and warming up the dark area...

Still not "there"! It's a twisty path I'm on...
It is interesting for me to look at the progress of the painting in photographs as I go. 
A practice I have initiated for this blog.  The colors and values are quite different in photo form. 
So the question is: do I paint according to what my eye sees in person or in image? 

It is an image world we live in and the blend of virtual and tangible 
has broadened the spectrum of reality.

My goal is to hit the mark in the middle here...

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