Making Abstract Art = Personal Growth and Rejuvenation
Marianne Mitchell, "Synthesis" detail, Oil Pastel, 10" x 10", created as a "demo" during the
Monhegan Island Maine: Truly Magical 2012 Summer Art Retreat
Over the years I have introduced many people to the making of abstract art. They are abstract painters in need of guidance, artists interested in exploring the abstract realm, people who have been told "you have no talent" whose urge to make art prevails, and doctors, lawyers, psychologists, engineers, business entrepreneurs and "other" who need to have an artistic practice in their lives.
And, over the years recognition of attaining invaluable life skills through the practice of making abstract art has become apparent, in myself and in my students.
- Getting in touch with one's intuition
- Learning to balance intuitive and logical thinking
- Employing this balance for problem solving in painting, and in life
- Taking risks and letting go, knowing what's ahead will be "different" and that's a good thing
- Leaving self criticism and judgment of others behind
And, then there is the "aahhhhhhhhh" factor! One's whole being feels delicious joy in the act of creation. Feeling the power of intuition, reflecting on personal expression, and rejuvenating one's spirit results from making abstract art.
Intrigued? Are you asking "why abstract art"?!
Because making abstract art requires being comfortable in the unknown, feeling pleasure in losing control, enjoying freedom from expectations, honoring your unique-ness, and recognizing the "order" in the "chaos" as you build your painting and bring it to resolution. Totally immersing yourself in this kind of expression fosters a lightness of being. It is magic!
Articulating this magic in linear sentences is hard.
Seeing this magic without experiencing it is challenging.
Make abstract art and you will see and experience this magic.
Retreat opportunities for you to Create, Reflect, Rejuvenate...
Northern New Mexico: Extraordinary Energy
- June 16 to June 22, 2013
Monhegan Island Maine: Truly Magical
- July 27 to August 3, 2013
Thanks for "checking in"...
Hope to see you this summer!
Marianne Mitchell